10 December 2014

File Extensions and Rules

File Extensions
File extensions are an important part of the name of a file.   Most of the software open a file with a fixed name of file extensions.  In case file extension is changed arbitrarily, the file may not open in the desired software and / or may termed as corrupted and thus data may be lost forever, if the user does not know how to set the same right.  Let us first understand basic concepts about Folders, Files and their extensions :-
What are Files / Folders / Directories :
Let us now learn about certain basic operations we need to do whenever we work on a computer. Suppose, we have created some document i.e. we have typed some document, then at the end of it, we would like the same to be saved for future reference or take print out. In order to save a new document or file, you must first choose the Save command. Most modern software place this command in a menu which you can access with the mouse button or Alt key. When one such document is saved it is called a file. While saving the document, it will ask you about the name you wish to give to this new document. Alongwith giving a name to this file, the user has a choice to decide as to where such a file should be saved. Such files can be saved within a Folder or Directory. Thus while giving a new name to the file, users must also choose a directory and/or disk to store the file in. Some software programs will automatically save files in specific directory that is created when the program is installed (default settings).
Modern software place this command in a menu which you can access with the mouse button or Alt key. When one such document is saved it is called a file. While saving the document, it will ask you about the name you wish to give to this new document. Alongwith giving a name to this file, the user has a choice to decide as to where such a file should be saved. Such files can be saved within a Folder or Directory. Thus while giving a new name to the file, users must also choose a directory and/or disk to store the file in. Some software programs will automatically save files in specific directory that is created when the program is installed (default settings).
 Thus, a folder or directory can hold any number of files.
Sometimes, we install new software on our computer. In such cases also, the setup executable file automatically creates new directories / folders and stores all the software files in such newly created folders / directories.
Thus, we can say that user can create and delete directories or folders as the need arises. Older operating systems require that the directory be emptied of files before it can be deleted. When deleting / removing a directory, user must always check that no important files is left in such directory or sub-directory. You should delete the directory only after ensuring that it doesn’t contain files you still need.
You can easily move files from one folder or directory to another, through either the use menu commands or drag & drop using the mouse or a file utility
On the disk (it can be your hard disk, our floppy disc, CD or Pen Drive) you can create any number of directories / folders – each of such directories / folders can contain number of files. Moreover, These directories or folders could be compared to a filing cabinet. All files are stored in a directory / folder. Most hard disks have many directories or folders and files can be stored in any of them.
Directories can have sub-directories and sub-sub-directories many levels down. The directory immediately below the current directory is called the child directory. The directory immediately above the current one is called the parent directory. The top of the directory structure is called the root directory.

 Some common rules are:
• All files are saved on a disk or storage device.
• A disk is usually broken up into directories and sometimes into partitions.
• A directory or folder is a way of keeping like files in a common area.
Rules for File Names and Extension
Computers using DOS 6.X or older followed the 8.3 rule i.e. a filename can only be 1 to 8 characters long followed by a 1 to 3 character extension separated by a dot. Three character extensions are common because of this.
Modern operating systems allow computer users to use filenames up to 256 characters. Mac users, Windows 9X & NT/2000 and UNIX/LINUX (along with a few other) use long file names but names using over 32 characters get unwieldy. It is better to use a directory or folder to help describe them and keep common files together with shorter filenames.
Many modern software programs (applications) add their own extension to filenames. These extensions allow operating systems to recognize certain filenames and associate (match) them to the program that created it.

File Types, Appropriate Extensions  And Software Used to Open Such Files

Type of File


Used By Which Software

3D Image Files 


Rhino 3D Model 

3D Image Files 


QuickDraw 3D Metafile 

Audio Files 


Advanced Audio Coding File 

Audio Files 


Audio Interchange File Format 

Audio Files 


Interchange File Format 

Audio Files 


Media Playlist File 

Audio Files 


MIDI File 

Audio Files 


MIDI File 

Audio Files 


MP3 Audio File 

Audio Files 


MPEG Audio File 

Audio Files 


Real Audio File 

Audio Files 


Real Audio Media 

Audio Files 


WAVE Audio File 

Audio Files 


Windows Media Audio File 

Backup Files 


Backup File 

Backup Files 


Norton Ghost Backup File 

Backup Files 


Backup File 

Backup Files 


Original File 

Backup Files 


Temporary File 

Compressed Files 


Debian Software Package 

Compressed Files 


Gnu Zipped File 

Compressed Files 


Mac OS X Installer Package 

Compressed Files 


WinRAR Compressed Archive 

Compressed Files 


Self-Extracting Archive 

Compressed Files 


Stuffit Archive 

Compressed Files 


Stuffit X Archive 

Compressed Files 


Zipped File 

Data Files


Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet 

Data Files


Comma Separated Values File 

Data Files


Data File 

Data Files


Database File 

Data Files


Dynamic Link Library 

Data Files


Microsoft Access Database 

Data Files


PowerPoint Slide Show 

Data Files


PowerPoint Presentation 

Data Files


Structured Query Language Data 

Data Files


Microsoft Works Spreadsheet 

Data Files


Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 

Data Files


XML File 

Developer Files 


C/C++ Source Code File 

Developer Files 


C++ Source Code File 

Developer Files 


Java Source Code File 

Developer Files 


Perl Script 

Disk Files 


Mac OS X Disk Image 

Disk Files 


Disc Image File 

Disk Files 


Toast Disc Image 

Disk Files 


Virtual CD 

Encoded Files 


Macbinary II Encoded File 

Encoded Files 


BinHex 4.0 Encoded File 

Encoded Files 


Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Message 

Encoded Files 


Uuencoded File 

Executable Files 


Mac OS X Application 

Executable Files 


DOS Batch File 

Executable Files 


Common Gateway Interface Script 

Executable Files 


DOS Command File 

Executable Files 


Windows Executable File 

Executable Files 


Program Information File 

Executable Files 


VBScript File 

Executable Files 


Windows Script 

Font Files 


Font File 

Font Files 


Generic Font File 

Font Files 


OpenType Font 

Font Files 


TrueType Font 

Game Files 


Saved Game File 

Game Files 


Nintendo (NES) ROM File 

Game Files 


N64 Game ROM File 

Game Files 


Saved Game 

Graphical Interchange Format File 


Adobe Illustrator File 

Graphical Interchange Format File 


Drawing File 

Graphical Interchange Format File 


Drawing Exchange Format File 

Graphical Interchange Format File 


Encapsulated PostScript File 

Graphical Interchange Format File 


JPEG Image File 

Graphical Interchange Format File 


JPEG Image File 

Graphical Interchange Format File 


Portable Network Graphic 

Graphical Interchange Format File 


PostScript File 

Graphical Interchange Format File 


Photoshop Document 

Graphical Interchange Format File 


Paint Shop Pro Image File 

Graphical Interchange Format File 


Scalable Vector Graphics File 

Graphical Interchange Format File 


Tagged Image File 

Image Files 


Multiple Network Graphic 

Image Files 


Picture File 

Misc Files 


Windows Installer Package 

Misc Files 


BitTorrent File 

Misc Files 


Yahoo! Messenger Data File

Page Layout Files 


Adobe InDesign File 

Page Layout Files 


Portable Document Format File 

Page Layout Files 


QuarkXpress Document 

Page Layout Files 


QuarkXpress Project File 

Plugin Files 


Photoshop Plug-in 

Plugin Files 


Mac OS X Application Plug-in 

Plugin Files 


Excel Add-In File 

Raster Image Files 


Bitmap Image File 

Raster Image Files 


Graphical Interchange Format File 

Settings Files 


Configuration File 

Settings Files 


Windows Initialization File 

Settings Files 


Registration Information 

System Files 


Windows Cabinet File 

System Files 


Windows Control Panel 

System Files 


Windows Cursor 

System Files 


Windows Memory Dump 

System Files 


Device Driver 

System Files 


Security Key 

System Files 


File Shortcut 

System Files 


Windows System File 

Text Files 


Microsoft Word Document 

Text Files 


Log File 

Text Files 


Mail Message 

Text Files 


Rich Text Format File 

Text Files 


Plain Text File 

Text Files 


WordPerfect Document 

Text Files 


Microsoft Works Word Processor Document 

Video Files 


3GPP Multimedia File 

Video Files 


Advanced Systems Format File 

Video Files 


Microsoft ASF Redirector File 

Video Files 


Audio Video Interleave File 

Video Files 


Apple QuickTime Movie 

Video Files 


MPEG-4 Video File 

Video Files 


MPEG Video File 

Video Files 


Apple QuickTime Movie 

Video Files 


Real Media File 

Video Files 


Macromedia Flash Movie 

Video Files 


Windows Media Video File 

Web Files 


Active Server Page 

Web Files 


Cascading Style Sheet 

Web Files 


Hypertext Markup Language File 

Web Files 


Hypertext Markup Language File 

Web Files 


JavaScript File 

Web Files 


Java Server Page 

Web Files 


Hypertext Preprocessor File 

Web Files 


Extensible Hypertext Markup Language File 

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