10 December 2014

Computer – Microsoft Excel Overview

MS Excel stands for MicroSoft’s spreadsheet programme that is used for storing, organizing and manipulating data.  This software is a powerful computer programme is a part of the MS Office and is available for operating system of Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X.  This is the most used spreadsheet programme these days.  We give below a screen shot of Excel Screen with some inputs about how it can be useful for calculation of salary of employees in an organisation.  It has the ability to perform complex operations, save time and improve efficiency.
·         Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application.
·         It is a part of MS Office.
·        It features calculation, graphic tools, pivot tables and a macro-programming language called Visual Basic For Applications (VBA).
A look at the above Excel screen shows that “spreadsheet” is a rectangular table with grids of rows and columns.  The horizontal rows are identified by numbers (1,2,3,4,5….) and the vertical columns with letters of alphabet (A,B,C,D,E….).
MS Excel popularly known as “Excel” is a very powerful software with so many features that it is not possible to discuss even a fraction of these in these pages.  The  features include calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications.
What is a Cell in Excel ?
The intersection point (i.e. the small rectangular box) between a column and a row is called a Cell.  This “cell” is the basic unit for storing data in the spreadsheet.  There can be thousands of cells in a spreadsheet depending on the amount of data you are storing.  To identify or refer to data stored in a particular cell, it is identified by so called “cell reference”.   For example, in the above screen shot,  5000 is in cell referred as B4.  Thus, we can say that cell reference is a combination of the column letter and the row number.

Can You Give Me Some of the Uses of MS Excel :
Excel is used for a large number of functions.  Some of the functions for which Excel is widely used includes, (a) Managing data records like name list (you are easily sort alphabetically); (b) Analysis through pivot tables; (c) corporate budgeting; (d) creating forms and consolidating results; (e) inventory management ; (f) Breakeven analysis.

Some important terms relating to MS Excel :
a) Worksheet :  It is a grid of cells made up of horizontal rows and vertical columns. It contains 65536 rows and 256 columns.
b) Row Number : Each row is given a number 1,2,3,4, …. So on.
c) Column Letter :  Each column is given a letter starting from A…Z, AA….ZZ, BA…BZ, ….IA – IV.
d) Cell : It is basic unit of worksheet where numbers, text, formulae, etc, can be place.
e) Cell Pointer :  It is a cell boundary that specifies which cell is active at that moment.
f) Current Cell : It is a cell which is active.
g) Range of Cell : It is a group of contiguous cells that forms a rectangular are in shape.
h) Work Book : A worksheet is a grid of cells made up of rows and columns. Multiple worksheets can be combined under a file known as Work Book.
i) Data in Worksheet Three types of data can be entered, numbers/characters, text and formulae.
j)  Formula : It is a sequence of values, cell address, names functions or operators in a cell that produces a new value from existing values.
k) Cell Referencing :  Each cell in worksheet has a unique address, when cell address is referred in formulas, it is called Cell Referencing.
l) Relative Referencing : Cell referencing in which the cells are referred by their relative position in the worksheet relative to a particular cell.
m)Absolute Referencing : Cell referencing in which the cells are referred by their fixed position in the worksheet.
n)Mixed Referencing : Combination of relative and absolute referencing is called Mixed Referencing
o)Functions : Functions are predefined formulae that perform calculations by using specific values called arguments.
p) Structure : The structure of a function begins with the function name, followed by an opening parenthesis, the arguments for the function separated by commas and a closing parenthesis.
q) Charts : Charts are the pictorial representation of worksheet data.
r) Area Chart : An area chart emphasizes the magnitude of change over time.
s) Column Chart : A column chart shows data changes over a period of time.
t) Bar Chart : It illustrates comparisons among individual items.
u) Line Chart : It shows trends in data at equal intervals.

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts
The following keyboard short cuts can be used to increase the speed and smooth functioning in the MS Excel spreadsheet  work.:
Hide / Unhide shortcuts:
CTRL+9Hide the selected row(s)
CTRL+SHIFT+(Unhide any hidden row(s) within selection
CTRL+0Hide the selected column(s)
CTRL+SHIFT+)Unhide any hidden column(s) within selection
Navigation shortcuts:
HOMEMove to the beginning of the Row
CTRL+HOMEMove to the beginning of the Worksheet
CTRL+ENDMove to the bottom-most and right-most used cell in the Worksheet
CTRL+PAGDOWNMove to the Next Sheet in the workbook
CTRL+PAGEUPMove to the Pervious Sheet in the workbook
ALT+PAGEDOWNMove one screen to the Right
ALT+PAGEUPMove one screen to the Left
Selection shortcuts:
CTRL+SHIFT+PAGEDOWNSelect the current sheet and next sheet
CTRL+SHIFT+PAGEUPSelect the current sheet and previous sheet
CTRL+SPACESelect the entire COLUMN
SHIFT+SPACESelect the entire ROW
CTRL+*Select current range
CTRL+SHIFT+O(letter O)Select cells that contain Comments
CTRL+SHIFT+*Select the current region around the active cell
CTRL+ /Select the array containing the active cell
CTRL+]Select all cells that contain formulae that directly reference active cell
CTRL+SHIFT+}Select all cells that contain formulae that directly or indirectly reference active cell
Date & Time related shortcuts:
CTRL+;Insert current date
CTRL+SHIFT+: (COLON)Insert current time
Number Formatting shortcuts:
CTRL+SHIFT+~General Format the numbers in selected range
CTRL+SHIFT+%Apply Percentage format to numbers in selected range
CTRL+SHIFT+$Apply Currency format to numbers in selected range
CTRL+SHIFT+#Apply date format (dd/mm/yy) to the selected cell(s)
CTRL+SHIFT+^Apply Exponential number format with 2 decimal places to the selection
CTRL+SHIFT+!Apply Number format with 2 decimal places, thousands separator and minus sign for -ve numbers
General Cell / Range Formatting shortcuts:
CTRL+1Format cells menu
CTRL+SHIFT+&Apply outline border to the selection
CTRL+SHIFT+ _ (underscore)Remove the outline border to the selection
CTRL+5Apply (or remove) Strikethrough format to the selection
CTRL+B OR CTRL+2Apply (or remove) Bold format
CTRL+B OR CTRL+3Apply (or remove) Italic format
CTRL+B OR CTRL+4Apply (or remove) Underline format
Copy data shortcuts:
CTRL+DFill Down
CTRL+RFill Right
CTRL+, (comma)Copy formula from cell above to the active cell
CTRL+” (double quotes)Copy value from cell above to the active cell
Other shortcuts:
CTRL+KInsert hyperlink menu
CTRL+’(~)Toggle formula view
F4Repeat last action
F11Chart selected data

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