11 July 2015

Tips for Reasoning Section of IBPS Prelims Exam 2015

Indian Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has invited applicants to apply for Probationary Officer posts in nationalized banks throughout the nation. The selection of candidates would be made based on their performances in prelims, mains examination and interview rounds. At the very beginning the candidates need to face prelims examination, which is scheduled to take place in October 2015. Those candidates who have already registered for the examination and are all set to start preparation for the prelims examination need to start studying subject-specific questions from now on.
There would be three sections in the examination paper consisting of 100 questions with each question carrying one mark each. The total time to solve these questions would be 1 hour and thus the candidates need to be very specific, tricky and perfect in their approach of solving the questions. The paper contains questions from English Language, Reasoning ability and Quantitative Aptitude, which would be less tough than that of the mains. Though the syllabus for both prelims and main of IBPS PO remains more or less the same but level of difficulty of the questions differ.
Tips for Reasoning Ability:
  • Enhance reasoning capability: The candidates often score quite well in this paper as the paper contains questions related to alphabetical tests, classifications, syllogism, coding-decoding, blood relations, direction sense etc. which are quite common questions to test the reasoning capability of the candidates. It is thus important for the candidates to undergo practice set materials and books related to reasoning to get a fair idea about the type of questions asked and the approach to be taken for answering the same.
  • Reason with Time: It is very important to keep an eye on the time while answering the questions in this paper. It tends to be quite tricky at times for the candidates to answer certain questions. Thus it is better to leave the questions that are taking quite a lot of time; easier questions can be answered in the mean time. It is also advisable to keep a clock ticking while practicing for the paper.
  • Concentrate and Practice: More you practice the less daunting will be the exam! The more the candidates would practice the more will be their chances of making it to the mains examination. The questions like Sitting arrangement, decision making, input output, statement and conclusions and puzzles need constant practice to attain mastery. This can also make things easier for the candidates in the examination and save enormous time for them.
  • Break the trick: For effective time management and better results it is a must to find out tricks for solving questions in the stipulated time. In order to do so it is a must in the candidate’s part to enhance their skills in solving the questions using methods developed on their own through constant practice.

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