10 December 2014

Computer – History

Computer Through the Ages 
We give below an overview of  the developments which have taken place upto the time when 1st Generation computers came into existence.   These are milestones which played some role later on towards our achievements in the present day computer age.

Year InventorInvention
16th CenturyChinaAbacus.  This is considered as the first baby step towards computers
1617Johan NapierNapier’s Bones
1642Blaise PascalFirst Calculating Machine
1671Gottfried Von LeibntizCalculator (Modified Pascal’s machine)
1801Joseph JacquardCard of holes for weaving patterns
1823-34Charles BabbageDifference Engine and Analytical Engine
1880Herman Hollerith                Lady Ada Lovelace Tabulating machine using punch cards       Binary number System
1930Howard Aitken and Grace Hopper (IBM)MARK-1
1937-38Dr John Vircent AtanassoffABC (Atanassoff-Berry-Computer)
1946JP Eckert and JW MauchlyENIAC (Electronic Numerical and Calculator)
1940’sH Goldshine, AW Burks and Johan Von NeumannStored Program Concept
1947-49Johan Von NeumannEDSAC (Electronic Delayed Storage Automatic Computer)
1950Moor School in USAEDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer)
1951Eckert and JW MauchlyUNIVAC-1 (Universal Automatic Computer)

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